Monday, February 16, 2009

Lesson Learned

Well just over two weeks ago I was coming home from work and walked around the corner to see the bus sitting at the stop which is at a red light so I thought okay I'll run for it and not have to wait for another 1/2 hour downtown in the dark on a friday night. Well that plan didn't work out so well I ran and ended up slipping and falling. I got up and the bus driver waited for me and everyone was asking me if I was okay I of course brushed it off because I was embaressed. I got home and iced my hand and knee and figured it was okay. Saturday my hand was really sore and swollen so I called my boss who brought me a wrist brace to try. I wore it saturday and on the Sunday but my hand was still VERY swollen I finally decided to go to the urgent care clinic in downtown calgary and my wonderful visiting teacher/neighbour drove me and picked me up. I spent four hours down there and got xrays etc. When I left I was and still am sporting this lovely cast, they think that I may have a broken scaffoid bone however it doesn't usually show up on xrays. At this point I have had 2 sets of xrays and the drs still haven't found anything. I'm scheduled to go for a bone scan on thursday morning. So the moral of the story is don't run for the bus in the winter when its icy outside.

1 comment:

Amykins Angel said...

awwwwww poor you!!! I would be TOTALLY embarrassed as well! Yikes!
I do hope your hand gets better!
Glad to know people were worried about you and care about you:)