Thursday, March 5, 2009


So there are a lot of things that I am very grateful for right now. I thought I would make a little list on here since this is kind of like a journal:

- My membership in the church

- Family

- Wonderful good friends who help when needed and always listen

- Milk - I know this one's funny but I hadn't had milk for a week and a half and its sooo nice to have a jug in the house, thats allI've been drinking the last couple of days

-A house to live in and awesome roommates

-a job even if I complain about it

-to live in Canada and have rights and freedoms

-the temple - I wish that I could go more often I can't wait until the one in Calgary is built

This just a little list there's too many things to list.

and whats a post without a picture or two?


Kathy said...

Those kids are adorable. Don't you just want to tickle them til they giggle. They must have a very good looking dad, and a beautiful aunt Ducky!
We love you!

Amykins Angel said...

I am soooooo flipping excited to see the Temple built in Calgary:)

I think it is SO GREAT!!!