Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oops I did it again!

Oops I did it again. I got into your account. Messed it all up. oh oh baby do it to me one more time. 

Did I do that? Of course I got into your account again. What else can I do to fill the empty time when you're not around?



Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight!!!! No spoilers!!

So Twilight came out on Friday and my little sister Amy, my roommate Lacy and her friend Amanda all went to the 7:10 showing at westhills. Lacy and I had bought advanced tickets at the beginning of the month so we didn't have to worry about that. Amy got off school early in the afternoon so she went straight to the theatre and lined up so we could get good seats. She was there at just after 4 and was first in line (we love you Amy) we got seats in the 2nd to back row which was awesome. The theatre was packed full of screaming girls. It was pretty funn, everyone screamed when the movie started and when Edward first appeared on the screen and a couple of other times. There were a lot of girls that had made homemade t-shirts professing there love for Twilight and being "twerds" and there love for Edward. There were some pretty creative ones. The movie itself was pretty awesome, I loved it. It differs a little bit from the book but not much. What really impressed me was that there really wasn't any nudity and no swearing. You don't find to many movies like that now a days so it was very refreshing. I've heard that they have budgeted to make three more movies. So now we have something to look forward to.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The idea was brought up, put down then revived!

Dear Aunt Ducky,

You are not allowed to erase anything in this post. If you do then I'll just contact your mum and then post some interesting stories about ya! Ok? 

So I kept bothering Becky that she needed to change the background of her blog. It was boring and had been there for too long. So I suggested to her to email me her information and I would update it for her. 

I had thought about the idea of posting some silly little blog like this, but decided not to. Then earlier tonight Becky told me that she checked to see if I did put something up. So this tid bit encouraged me to write something on her blog.

Becky is a wonderful gal. Our family really adores her. She is one of the most loving, caring human beings that I know. We're very grateful to have her in our lives. Thank you for all of your help. 

I love this picture of Becky. It shows a beautiful woman who is on top of the world. She is one of those rare beauties who should not be looked down upon. There is nothing that she wont do to help her family and friends.

We love you!

Love the Dowdle's

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I've been tagged!!

I got tagged.

So, here goes:

1. Link to the person that tagged you: Kathy

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.

4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.

5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. 6. Let your tagged peeps know once your entry is UP.

My Non-Important Things...Habits...Quirks...

1. I love taking pictures, I would constantly have a camera with me and be taking pictures if I could.

2. I have always wanted to go to Paris just so I can see the Effil tower.

3. I hate feet and I work in a foot clinic - I know pretty ironic.

4. I love country music and take great pleasure in playing it at my mom's house to annoy my siblings who hate it.

5. I love British chocolate and recently found an awesome store here in Calgary that sells it Yummy!

6. I have a hole in my left ear that isn't from piercing I was born with it.

I tag anyone that wants to be tagged.

Top 10 DVD's watched in you home - Tagged by Kathy

List the top ten movies that are watched in your home.

10: Flight plan

9: Lucky Seven

8: 7th heaven t.v. series - DVD's

7: Anne of Green Gables - all three movies

6: The Day after Tomorrow

5: The Holiday

4: Enchanted

3: Now and Then

2: National Treasure 1 and 2

1: Stardust

Fourth picture in your fourth folder

I've been tagged by Kathy, the rules are that your supposed to go to your fourth folder and look at the fourth picture. This picture is of my adorable little niece Katie when we were in lethbridge this summer. Isn't she cute?